Affordable rental and supported housing for Curtin
Be part of the conversation

Wesley Mission, in collaboration with Woden Valley Uniting Church and MyHome in Canberra, is developing Block 1 Section 15 Curtin into 83 affordable rental and 15 supported housing apartments.
You are invited to join the conversation about how this innovative new project can contribute positively to the local community.

About the project
Wesley Mission is a not-for-profit, registered Community Housing Provider and provides housing to those in the community who otherwise may not have access to secure and sustainable housing.
The Uniting Church Property Trust (ACT) is the owner of the leasehold, currently used by the Woden Valley Uniting Church.
The new housing will provide bright, modern, architect designed homes close to employment, education and recreation opportunities, connected by public and active transport infrastructure.
Curtin is an established and easily accessible residential centre in the Woden district in Canberra’s south, well connected through roads and public transport to Civic, Woden Town Centre and Weston Creek.
The project site is located close to the Curtin Group Centre and the future light rail network.
Affordable rental housing
Affordable housing is a priority for both national and state/territory governments, as one measure to address the national housing crisis.
The 83 affordable rental apartments will include a mix of one, two and three bedrooms as well as common areas for recreation, social interaction and play.
These units will be leased to tenants at 74.9% of market rate.
The affordable rental housing will be targeted for key workers on low incomes. This helps ensure people delivering essential services such as health care, teaching and retail services can live nearby to where they work.
Key workers report high levels of rental stress in the ACT due to a lack of supply and rising rental prices. Due to the nature of their work they are most often required to attend work in person.
MyHome in Curtin
15 apartments in a separate ‘MyHome’ building will provide long-term homes for people with enduring mental illness.
The aim is to create a place where, through 24/7 support from staff and others, residents can live independent, active and fulfilling lives within the MyHome and wider communities.
The MyHome supportive housing is inspired by the community-based initiative HOME in Queanbeyan, which has operated highly successfully for ten years.
MyHome in Canberra is an NGO formed in 2014 through community initiatives. The aim is to provide a safe and loving environment where residents are encouraged to live active and fulfilling lives within the community.
The area will include 15 accessible units, one caregiver apartment, offices for caregivers as well as indoor and outdoor communal spaces.
Spaces for the wider community
The space between the two apartment buildings is proposed as landscaped public space for recreational purposes for both the Curtin community and the residents to enjoy recreational activities and nature-based areas.
There is also a community room planned within the MyHome area that may be available for community activities.
Community members are invited to share ideas on how these spaces can become assets to the wider community as well as how the community may become involved in the project to build strong connections and social capital.
How to join the conversation
Between 7 November 2024 and 12 February 2025, community members and stakeholder organisations are invited to share feedback on the project, as well as ideas on how to create positive connections between the new residents and the local community.
Complete the online survey
Take a short online survey from 7 November 2024 to 12 February 2025.
Register for the community workshop
Attend a workshop on Wednesday 4 December 2024, from 5.30 to 7.30pm. RSVPs are essential.
Visit a pop-up stall
Head to the Curtin Shops and chat to the project team to share your thoughts. You may also choose to join a team member for a site walk.
- Thursday 21 November 2024, from 2.30 to 5.00pm
- Thursday 28 November 2024, from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
The project has also been invited to present to the Curtin Residents’ Association (CRA) meeting on Sunday 24 November at 3.00pm. Further information on attending the meeting can be found on the CRA website.